Make Fast & Steady Progress To Achieve Your Gypsy Jazz Guitar Playing Dreams
Here's What You'll Be Getting
  • 'Live With Robin' - Exclusive Live Streaming Masterclasses
  • 'The Campfire' - A Supportive Private Community Where I'll Coach You Personally
  • "Ask Robin" - Ask Me Your Questions & I'll Make You A Video Lesson To Answer Them
  • Rhythm & Soloing Quick Starts - Let's Get You Up and Running Now With Some Fast Wins and Solid Results
  • 'The Songs Vault' - Your Key To Unlock The Essential Gypsy Jazz Repertoire
  • Experts Lessons - Learn From The Hottest Players On The Scene
  • Gypsy Jazz Foundations Masterclass - Discover the 5 Pillars of Learning Gypsy Jazz Guitar
  • And Much Much More - Seriously - There Is Too Much Cool Stuff To List Here!
  • BONUS - Your One-On-One Skype Call With Robin - Create Your Customized Success Plan

The longer you wait, the more time you're going to burn. Let me help you today!

"I found the system I've needed, plus I have an ongoing source of inspiration and a whole group of like minded new friends. Happy days!"

Andy Clark, United Kingdom

"Every time I think I've seen everything, I find something new. My playing gets better and better and people want to sit down and play guitar with me. So come join the club!"

Volker Reichle, Germany
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The Monthly Membership Plan - Gypsy Jazz Transfusion Club Membership - $47/month
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$ 0.00 USD
Future Payments:
$ 47.00 USD/Month
Monthly Billing Begins After 14-Day Free Trial - Cancel Any Time